Aliases: hg18

Digest: 9b7fd88cae1bd01bf53760fb426e2aeb299150cc64af2b01

Description: The NCBI36 reference sequence from UCSC. The individual chromosome files were concatenated prior to the asset building

Assets table

download asset name:tag asset description asset/archive size archive digest
bismark_bt2_index:default Genome index for Bisulfite-Seq applications, produced by bismark_genome_preparation using bowtie2 13.5GB / 15.8GB efdc15ce6f0381f1c878bb40ba0d00bd
bowtie2_index:default Genome index for bowtie, produced with bowtie-build 3.8GB / 3.5GB 7917dd53f7b30a81ae0b19d312405377
bwa_index:default Genome index for Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool, produced with bwa index 5.1GB / 3.2GB acc0e38cb4bbdf3acb66e3adfefc03d4
cellranger_reference:default Cell Ranger custom genome reference for read alignment and gene expression quantification 16.5GB / 10.4GB 850f369e92bdd5fea0bf8bbd9ce43974
fasta:default DNA sequences in the FASTA format, indexed FASTA (produced with samtools index) and chromosome sizes file 3.0GB / 899.7MB 087169053a7e0269b6de875a21e81773
fasta_txome:default cDNA sequences in the FASTA format, indexed FASTA (produced with samtools index) and chromosome sizes file 129.8MB / 26.4MB 161aef37fd4d7974f7127335ac7c9cd0
gencode_gtf:default GTF annotation asset which provides access to all annotated transcripts which make up an Ensembl gene set. 18.7MB / 17.2MB 0ef9a7aeed1efeab0ada207b27839b9e
hisat2_index:default Genome index for HISAT2, produced with hisat2-build 4.1GB / 3.9GB 4124e7d8af0efa7cdea76181c3346524
star_index:default Genome index for STAR RNA-seq aligner, produced with STAR --runMode genomeGenerate 26.5GB / 47.7GB 8a2b2badd589905317d45a6748f5a873
suffixerator_index:default Enhanced suffix array index for genomes using gt (GenomeTools) suffixerator program 27.2GB / 15.7GB bd8689f4bcbb3b7ca4375b52d0bb275c