Aliases: rn6

Digest: 79168fd950d561cf5ce454dd27593c0af429b32cddce5ce9

Description: The GCA_000001895.4_Rnor_6.0_genomic from NCBI

Assets table

download asset name:tag asset description asset/archive size archive digest
bismark_bt2_index:default Genome index for Bisulfite-Seq applications, produced by bismark_genome_preparation using bowtie2 12.6GB / 7.0GB 887eec5583b0cc3bb548e536ee80229f
bowtie2_index:default Genome index for bowtie, produced with bowtie-build 3.6GB / 3.3GB deb54d4cf97ec5d9f71bc46588dc4532
bwa_index:default Genome index for Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool, produced with bwa index 4.7GB / 3.0GB d8ef7aefb1ec1abeedb7a4864e39746d
ensembl_gtf:default Ensembl GTF, TSS, and gene body annotation 14.9MB / 11.7MB 9f0fa74b712b2c5b29fec4f6d348fd9a
fasta:default DNA sequences in the FASTA format, indexed FASTA (produced with samtools index) and chromosome sizes file 2.7GB / 847.3MB 5ea8822221b08f887033d7ba032f4bf0
fasta_txome:default cDNA sequences in the FASTA format, indexed FASTA (produced with samtools index) and chromosome sizes file 75.4MB / 20.2MB b8a457809d21ed8729078f1cfa176a2a
hisat2_index:default Genome index for HISAT2, produced with hisat2-build 3.9GB / 3.7GB fd63714955c7ce6aab1f130ec23d8162
refgene_anno:default gene, TSS, exon, intron, and premature mRNA annotation files 13.1MB / 5.4MB 6cd31a96a62670b47bb5fe64d6c3f049
salmon_partial_sa_index:default Transcriptome index for salmon, produced with salmon index using partial selective alignment method. Preparation includes transcriptome mapping to the genome and extraction of the relevant portion out from the genome and indexing it along with the transcriptome. Recipe source -- 797.1MB / 408.3MB 2150140e46850a07ee82479dcb767080
salmon_sa_index:default Transcriptome index for salmon, produced with salmon index using selective alignment method. Improves quantification accuracy compared to the regular index. 14.4GB / 12.5GB 1a6cd6d3f9ed9226c6d0048408dc93dd
star_index:default Genome index for STAR RNA-seq aligner, produced with STAR --runMode genomeGenerate 25.3GB / 45.3GB c916d12f8be0711881524c079dc67489
suffixerator_index:default Enhanced suffix array index for genomes using gt (GenomeTools) suffixerator program 26.7GB / 15.2GB 6b9a969a41b602e6e324c0f57666373c
tgMap:default Transcript to gene map file, containing two columns mapping of each transcript present in the reference to the corresponding gene. 869.9KB / 237.4KB ab394a50fe6e3673d6df9362867a032b