Aliases: hg38_chr22

Digest: fec6bcce9821b57f98ffc5d46ebec4f2f756c2e9db800ab7

Description: Includes only chromosome 22 from the hg38 reference. Useful for testing.

Assets table

download asset name:tag asset description asset/archive size archive digest
bismark_bt2_index:default Genome index for Bisulfite-Seq applications, produced by bismark_genome_preparation using bowtie2 214.1MB / 106.8MB e93dfd06b7939d24d84af1ccfdf90ab4
bowtie2_index:default Genome index for bowtie, produced with bowtie-build 65.7MB / 52.6MB b9b7aec64b7f5c82065d48fd1a230af7
bwa_index:default Genome index for Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool, produced with bwa index 71.4MB / 43.7MB ba05ab6037d6a6e9c92958f2d401b671
fasta:default DNA sequences in the FASTA format, indexed FASTA (produced with samtools index) and chromosome sizes file 41.4MB / 11.7MB 38a8f14d5eb95ac23c95752c4a17f56d
hisat2_index:default Genome index for HISAT2, produced with hisat2-build 66.4MB / 58.3MB f8ad6ed5059d32f16dc1e5472157c671
star_index:default Genome index for STAR RNA-seq aligner, produced with STAR --runMode genomeGenerate 1.8GB / 862.4MB 83e06841f90b72d504228909b687ad2c
suffixerator_index:default Enhanced suffix array index for genomes using gt (GenomeTools) suffixerator program 418.4MB / 209.0MB fad2282b25e173a0202d9dd3d1fa0225