Aliases: rCRSd

Digest: 94e0d21feb576e6af61cd2a798ad30682ef2428bb7eabbb4

Description: The revised cambridge reference sequence. This is the human mitochondrial reference genome

Assets table

download asset name:tag asset description asset/archive size archive digest
bismark_bt2_index:default Genome index for Bisulfite-Seq applications, produced by bismark_genome_preparation using bowtie2 16.2MB / 193.2KB e730aadf563a61fdd8d2909b37d0c3f4
bowtie2_index:default Genome index for bowtie, produced with bowtie-build 8.1MB / 117.0KB e27f4e23d216d89a81f8e3979071d147
bwa_index:default Genome index for Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool, produced with bwa index 62.8KB / 33.3KB b10214c873667dd2979ed97bd33f4b88
fasta:default DNA sequences in the FASTA format, indexed FASTA (produced with samtools index) and chromosome sizes file 45.2KB / 8.6KB e1ed48f84544c5abec17cae5e99c7482
hisat2_index:default Genome index for HISAT2, produced with hisat2-build 4.1MB / 82.9KB 85e6731e456e3c26ccd02117f50263e2
star_index:default Genome index for STAR RNA-seq aligner, produced with STAR --runMode genomeGenerate 1.5GB / 8.7MB ca69236551d5938db87ec7a03d536048